Kencyr Wiki

[T]he Director […] stood as solid as a mountain peak in the center of the deck while his people ebbed and flowed around him, occasionally bouncing off. He, without a doubt, was Kendar, and probably a former randon officer as well, judging by the savage scars about his face.
Jame's narration, Seeker's Mask,
"Part V: Mount Alban", III

Taur is the director of Mount Alban and a former randon. He is tall, very scarred, and blind.[2]


  1. The Sea of Time, "Chapter XX: A Season of Fog", II — "The former randon who served as the college’s current director"
  2. Honor's Paradox, "Lexicon" — "Director—title of the head of Mount Alban, the current one a blind Kendar"